As you know this is a Harry Potter fansite and I hope you could enjoy it . There are HP quotes everywhere and I also have a HP gallery on the right. I'll be updating HP news every once in a while even if there are no viewers. If there is anything you want me to add, comment.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Mayor of London talks about HP theme park

The mayor of London (Boris Johnson) doesn't really approve the fact that the Harry Potter theme park should be in Orlando. He wants the HP theme park in London instead and although I live in Canada and even though if it was in London and I have to travel more just to go there I think he has a good point. He said:

"sometimes [the British] just don't seem to have the gumption to exploit our intellectual property."

"I know somewhere that's even better than Orlando at looking like London – and that is London. I want to know why this Kingdom of Potter is not being built in the UK, and I won't be fobbed off with any nonsense about the weather. They built Eurodisney in the Valley of the Marne, where it is at least as cold and drizzly as it is in London – and it has been a triumphant success."

P.S. I mean Harry Potter did all start in London

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