As you know this is a Harry Potter fansite and I hope you could enjoy it . There are HP quotes everywhere and I also have a HP gallery on the right. I'll be updating HP news every once in a while even if there are no viewers. If there is anything you want me to add, comment.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

HP for Charity

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows II will be premièring in AMC theatres once again to raise money for charity! That means for all you HP fans that still haven't watched it still has a chance. Spread the news and invite your friends to watch it with you, and for those that have already watched it - watch it again!


Just a few days ago I was helping my dear muggle friends with commencement(where graduated muggles come back to receive recognition for their accomplishments). I'm proud to say that two muggles are studying Harry Potter at Hogwarts. =) Looks like we are going on friendly terms with muggles as they study more about HP. Dear, friends. Study hard and don't forget your passion for HP.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Harry Potter Essay contest

If you haven't heard Parade (a magazine) is holding a Harry Potter essay contest for all sincere fans of Harry Potter. All you have to do is write about which Harry Potter book you like, sorry you LOVE the best in the series, to all new readers of Harry Potter.

In a short essay (300 words or less) tell us your favorite Harry Potter book and why. We want to know which book inspired you the most. We'll feature our favorite essays on (As saw on

Essays should be emailed to Remember to include your first name, your hometown, your favorite Harry Potter book and why, and why you're the ultimate Harry Potter fan. (As saw on

P.S. Write passionately and make J.K Rowling proud. =)

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows part 2!

I still didn't watch it yet because I went to Vancouver when it came out and I also went to camp during the past few days. I hope you guys would be able to give me some feedback on it. Like was it what you expected, was it like the book, was it bad, was is good? Leave a comment below. I CAN'T WAIT!!!
I'm also reading the HP series again. I never get bored of it and I hope you guys don't get bored of it either. Keep HP in your hearts and live magical lives

Monday, July 25, 2011

Harry Potter Pledge

I don't know if you guys recieved this yet but it's really sweet and a good way to end off HP after all these years. Lets remember HP in our hearts.

Here's the pledg:

The Harry Potter Pledge:

I promise to remember Harry

When someone grows up with no love

I promise to remember Ron

When someone is jealous

I promise to remember Hermione

When I meet someone with wisdom beyond their years

I promise to remember James and Lily

when someone dies before their time

I promise to remember Dumbledore

At the thought of the greater good

I promise to “Solemely Swear That I Am Up To No Good”

for Gred, Forge, and Padfoot of course

I promise to remember Moony

And fight for human rights

I promise to remember Snape

When My heart fills with remorse

I promise to remember Narcissa

When I’d do anything for family

I promise to remember Dora Tonks

When someone is hyper

I promise to remember Hedwig,

who lived and died soaring

I promise to remember Percy

When ambition gets the best of me

I promise to be careful

For Moody’s sake, of course

I promise to remember Hagrid

When one is wrongly blamed

I promise to remember Neville

when I stand up for what is right

I promise to remember the Marauders

When a friend says “Call me and I’ll be there.”

Yes I promise that I will

remember Harry Potter

Monday, June 27, 2011


It's Matthew Lewis' birthday today! Matthew Lewis who plays Neville Longbottom has totally changed since the Harry Potter movies. Man! did he become a pretty boy.

Summer reading

Yes yes yes! It's summer and during the summer there's bound to be a boring day when you don't know what to do. SOOO you read Harry Potter and rediscover the reason why you love it so much.

The wonderful,magical adventures that aren't like any other. It's nothing like rainbows and ponys and princesses. J.K. Rowling really out done herself and made a book that's outstanding.

I know a friend that reads the whole HP set from front to back each summer and she says she's never tired of it because you learn something new about the books each time you read it again. You learn new details in the books that you missed the last time. You might think that reading twice is enough. It's not! My friend is reading it for the 7th time. So fill your life with magic this summer.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Harry Potter Hand Book!

Today, guess what I found in my school library that made me respect it all the more?
A Harry Potter guide book! Although it doesn't guide you through the last two books because they didn't come out yet.

This book contains really cool information. Like the fact that Hermione Granger was suppose to be named Hermione Finkle, or the fact that Hermione was suppose to have a little sister!

Did you know that Professor Lockhart is the only character that was based on someone that J.K. Rowling really knew?

Sounds interesting eh? So BUY IT! If you don't want to buy it borrow it from the library. You'll totally be familiar with the wizarding world when you're done. ENJOY

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Happy Birthday to the Weasley Twins

Yesterday was George and Fred's birthday. It's totally expected that their birthday is on April Fools. Happy belated April Fools everyone! April Fools day isn't complete without fooling someone.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Harry Potter and ... NEWS

Finished HP and the Deathly Hallows again! and watched the movie (Part I) ... again!

Never get tired of it and you shouldn't either anyways.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO Gary Oldman who plays Sirus Black! (March 21)

I'm happy to announce that Daniel Radcliffe the dude who plays Harry Potter is going to be making his musical debut on Broadway! He's going to be starring in a musical called, "How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying."
To get further info. on it go here -->

There's also an exclusive interview on Daniel Radcliffe talking about on:

I'll give you some of the interview here:

TLC: You're back in New York and you're back to Broadway again, but I was curious as to how this stage experience has differed-- so far-- from that of "Equus?"

Dan Radcliffe (DR): Rehearsing for a musical-- and particularly a musical like this-- everything is just on a much bigger scale. When we were in the rehearsal room for "Equus" we had four black blocks... was all we had in terms of sets. Here, we've got the entire moving set pieces just in the rehearsal rooms. They're manually moved, they're not on the tracks as they will be, obviously, in the theater, but we've got these huge wooden constructions in rehearsal. And also, "Equus" for a straight play-- because we had all the horses in it as well-- was quite a big cast. It was, I guess, about 12 or so people. This is 29 people in the cast so it just feels massive, to me. I'm loving it, just as I had a fantastic time on "Equus." This is my first musical and I'm very, very fortunate because it's great fun. I think it's the story, the songs, the jokes... it's all so much fun and we're all having a really, really good time. I was talking to somebody the other day and we were both just very, very... I would never, particularly at this stage, say that something's going to be great or going to be this, but I do think this is such a good piece. It's just so funny and warm and feel-good, while at the same time, not being patronizing. It's satirical and smart at the same time. But, I think it could be something really special and I think people are really going to enjoy it.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Harry Potter Ex. In NYC and more HP news

The Harry Potter Ex. is going to NYC and it's going to open on April 5th 2011. So all you New Yorkers don't you miss it! It's an experience that you'll never forget. Don't worry about not having enough time because it'll be there waiting for you for 5 months! That's a long time and I'm sure you'll find some time to go there.

Second! I'm sure you guys all heard the good news. Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Part I has the highest international grossing film in the HP series of movies. The movie earned up to $657.24 million! Good job Potter fans.

Third! Lupin's birthday is now on March 10th. So HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY REMUS LUPIN. =) Enjoy your magical lives.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

HP and The Deathly Hallows

I've realized that if you read any Harry Potter books the second time you obsorb more information and details from the book.

I watched Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Part I a few months ago. The movie started with a whole bunch of death eaters sitting at a long table and the muggles teacher was floating in mid air, begging for her life but Snape ignores her. I totally forgot about that part being in the book. I thought whoever wrote the script for Harry Potter just added in. *sigh* When I started HP and The Deathly Hallows for the second time, I then realized that it IS in the book.

I guess that's why your teachers and parents always tell you to check things twice.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The new HP cover.

Hear ye Hear ye all HP fans. We are here to decided which cover we want for our blu rays and dvd cover of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part I.

The lovely Emma Watson has announced that the picture on the left would be the official cover for both blu ray and dvd. I couldn't think of a better cover. I hope all you guys would buy.

Wizard snow day?

Has anyone else noticed but in all of the Harry Potter books there is not one day that there was a snow day. It's probably because they're school's a boardings school but a snow day won't hurt. Wizards also need to experience muggle stuff. Although muggles shouldn't experience wizard problems.

Hogwarts is usually closed due to the fact that Lord Voldemort killed someone or someone has been cursed or a werewolf is in the school. So what! continue school! Education is first priority. We learned that since the day we were born. That's what all our mothers taught us. JOKING.

Keep reading Harry Potter. You know what? Harry Potter should be a book that should be read in all schools. Lessons should be taught on it and all schools should have a Harry Potter club or a class. I know epic eh? There should also be houses at all of our school with a sorting hat for all freshmen. Wouldn't that be great now?

Comment to tell me what you think of that.

p.s. Have you read some of the MLIM? Here's some:

My science teacher is pregnant, and today I finally convinced her to name her daughter Katie. Why? Her last name is Bell. MLIM

Today, I was typing up a paper for one of my classes when I found out that while Dumbledore and Hogwarts are considered correct, Barack Obama is considered a misspelling. Harry Potter takes over! MLIM

From now on, when someone texts me, my phone will no longer blare, "POKEMON! GOTTA CATCH 'EM ALL!" It will now ring in a polite manner with the words, "Pigfarts, Pigfarts, here I come. Pigfarts, Pigfarts, yum yum yum!" MP

Friday, January 21, 2011

My thoughts of Deathly Hallows part II

I hope the next movie that comes out is better than the first although the first was pretty good on terms of the details compared to the book. I realized that people are more concered about the ending than the other parts. I am too. They better make the 20 years later the best!Or I would yell and set a riot at the end of the movie. I can't stand bad ending, in a movie. If some parts of the movie are suckish the least they could do is make the ending the best.

I hope you guys have the same thoughts as me. =)

May we live our magical lives.

P.S. I just realized that whenever I turn on my webcam my Harry Potter poster is in it too! =)

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Prince and others

I'm now on The Half-Blood Prince and it's awesome! Some people say that they can't read books a second time but Harry Potter is an exception. HP books are just so exciting.
The movies are never as good as the books because the books provide so much more detail and feelings into the story.

My friends and I went to the theatres to watch Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows and my friend had to ask me a lot of questions partly because she hasn't watched the 6 previous movies and secondly because the movie didn't provide enough detail (in their opinion). Us HP fans could honestly say that Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Part I is the best HP movie out there but admit it, it'll never be as good as the book. I'm sure you guys would all still want to watch the second one even though you know it won't be as good as the book. I feel that way too =)
Live a magical life .